Success for Beyond 1 Million Genome Stakeholders Virtual Meeting

The Beyond 1 Million Genome Stakeholders Meeting was successfully held online on Wednesday, 21 October 2020, with more than 220 participants. The core aims of the 1 Million Genome Stakeholder Coordination Framework initiative are to connect national genomic data infrastructures, …

ELIXIR organizes a hackathon on Machine Learning and BioStatistics

Dear colleagues,

the first part of a two-day ELIXIR international hackathon on Machine Learning and BioStatistics will take place on Monday, October 12, 9:00 to 17:00 CEST. Due to the COVID-19 pandemics the event will be held completely online. …

Izobraževanje za delo na sekvenatorju Nanopore GridION

Spoštovani člani vozlišča ELIXIR Slovenija!

Vabimo vas na izobraževanje za delo na sekvenatorju Nanopore GridION, ki je del infrastrukture ELIXIR-SI. Oprema je dobavljena v okviru kohezijskega projekta ELIXIR-SI RI-SI-2.
Prva dva dneva (5. 10. in 7. 10.) sta dopoldan namenjena…

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