Order & Book

Order a service

  1. Service order is submitted on the designated webpage form. Take special care to fill out all necessary information, including the intent of our research.
  2. Orders of service are given per individual project or project group, according to which You wish to conduct our research. Do NOT enter orders for individual project subunits or goals – please carefully consider, which services and equipment will be required for Your entire project. Order forms, submitted for individual researcher, individual piece of equipment or individual project activity are not valid.
  3. Before You submit the order form, it is mandatory to list all other potential project participants in the field Comments and suggestions.
  4. After You have received confirmation of our order, contact the staff at ELIXIR-SI to arrange all requirements to conduct Your research.
  5. With submitting a service order, You are not obliged to perform Your research work on ELIXIR-SI research infrastructure. However, You have agreed to follow laboratory rules, to sign a User’s Statement, and to submit accurate and on-time bookings of the equipment, if You intend to go forward with Your research. You have also agreed to follow the terms and conditions of service orders and equipment booking.
  6. With submitting a service order, You also agree that any publications, stemming from the results obtained by using ELIXIR-SI equipment, will include a proper mention in the Acknowledgments section. Instructions how to acknowledge ELIXIR-SI are found on our webpage.

Please fill out the form if you wish to make an informative order of our services.

Contact information

Please enter here if you are partner of ELIXIR-SI, partner of another node, partner of another ESFRI, if you are not partner or other.

Project information

Requested service type

Dry lab includes: Data management, Data stewardship, Data archive, Cloud, Data science, Data analysis, Bioinformatics and HPC.

Wet lab includes: Central Next Generation Sequencing laboratory, Laboratory for single cell analysis, Other laboratories.

Training services includes: Data science for everyone, ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP) and Lifelong Platform

Book our equipment

  1. Before every intended use of ELIXIR-SI equipment, You need to submit an appropriate booking.
  2. Valid bookings of our equipment are only possible if You have submitted a valid and confirmed order of service beforehand. Once the booking is received, You will be informed about its confirmation or rejection.
  3. Equipment bookings need to be done at least one week (7 calendar days) before our projected use. ELIXIR-SI Centre does not guarantee that bookings done after this deadline will be performed.
  4. If You are informed that the desired term is not available, You need to contact the staff at ELIXIR-SI to arrange for possible alternatives. ELIXIR-SI Centre withholds the right to evaluate possibilites of conducting several research processes at once.
  5. By submitting an equipment booking, You acknowledge, that laboratory work can be unpredictable and there can be subsequent changes, despite the best efforts of ELIXIR-SI staff.
  6. If You are unable to go through with Your research on the booked date, You need to notify the staff at ELIXIR-SI centre immediately (at least a day in advance of the booked term). By failing to do so, You acknowledge that consequently, Your service order might be terminated.

In case there are no open slots on your preferred date, please send us an email to elixir@mf.uni-lj.si


Before your first reservation it is obligatory to order a service (form on the left) and wait for the confirmation from equipment administrator coordinator.

Acknowledge ELIXIR-SI funding and support

In case of financing and/or support of ELIXIR-SI

The research was financed (and/or) supported by ELIXIR-SI (https://elixir-slovenia.org).

In case of using ELIXIR-SI infrastructural research equipment

The research was done using the Research infrastructure ELIXIR-SI (https://elixir-slovenia.org), funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.

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