Privacy policy

1.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that usually contain a sequence of letters and numbers and are placed on a user’s computer or mobile device (hereinafter referred to as the device) when he/she visits a particular site. Upon each visit, the website will retrieve data about the downloaded cookies and identify the user.

Cookies are important for website operation, as they improve the user’s experience. Cookies enable the analysis of website traffic, as well as advanced advertising techniques. The use of cookies also enables the traceability of a particular user through various websites and the creation of his/her profile, which may show details of an individual’s private life.

The UL stores cookies on a user’s device in the case when they are indispensable for the operation of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission. This site uses different types of cookies.


1.2 What cookies do we use?

Our website is hosted on the server infrastructure of the contractual processor based in Slovenia.

Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
ServerID Used to identify a server that is active on your request. The purpose is to improve the website functioning. Does not store user personal data. Until the end of the session No user consent required.
Sessions cookies They serve for storing temporary user information:

Stores personal data Until the end of the session No user consent required.
readCookie A cookie with which a site remembers your decision regarding the use of cookies Does not store user personal data. 20 years Loads when confirming or rejecting consent of the user


Google Analytics: (Google Privacy Policy)
Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
__utma This cookie follows the number of user visits on the website – upon their first and last visit. The cookie is needed to differentiate between users and sessions. 2 years User consent required.
__utmb This cookie helps calculate the duration of a visit by collecting the timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor enters the website.

Records a new user visit or session.

30 minutes User consent required.
__utmc Records the duration of a website visit. Until the end of the session User consent required.
__utmz Stores traffic source or an advertising campaign that keeps information on how the user has reached the site. 6 months User consent required.
__utmv Analytical cookie for storing custom variables. 2 years User consent required.
__ga They follow you anonymously and do not recognize your personal data, merely the activities on our website. Access to data collected through these cookies is not available to third parties. Does not store personal data. 2 years User consent required.
__gid The cookie is used to distinguish users under randomly generated unique identifiers. Does not store personal data. 1 day User consent required.
This cookie follows you anonymously and does not recognize your personal data, merely the activities on our website. Access to data collected through these cookies is not available to third parties. Does not store personal data. 10 minutes User consent required.
IDE This cookie is used for re-targeting, optimisation, reporting and attribution of online adverts. 390 days User consent required.
1P_JAR Used to collect web site statistics and track conversion rates. 1 month User consent required.
ANID Cookies for advertising served across the web and stored in
CONSENT Piškotek v katerem se hrani Vaše strinjanje z uporabo Googlovih storitev. 20 years User consent required.
NID Google Settings ID 6 months User consent required.


YouTube These serve to record viewing statistics, track users’ preferences, and classify related ads within a video on YouTube network. User consent required.
Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
PREF Records the number of times a video is viewed and shows the most relevant content and ads within the video based on user preferences. 8 months User consent required.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Stores information on data-transfer speed and based on the indicated determines the player user interface. 8 months User consent required.
YSC Records the number of times a video is viewed, and based on user preferences shows the most relevant content and ads within the video. Until the end of the session User consent required.
GPS It registers a unique ID on mobile devices, allowing tracking based on GPS coordinates.  1 day User consent required.


Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent

vuid and

These cookies serve for anonymous data collection and reporting on Vimeo network video viewing. 2 years, 30 minutes, at the end of the session, 6 months, 2 years, 2 years and 10 minutes. User consent required.


Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
Google Map:
HSID and
They serve to measure the number of Google Maps users and track their behaviour. 2 years User consent required.
Google Map:
The cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to store user settings and other data, such as the selected language (e.g. Slovenian), data on how many search results should be displayed on a site (e.g. 10 or 20), and data on whether Google Safe Search filter should be turned on. Does not store personal data. 6 months User consent required.
Google Map:
Stores user settings and information on the service use. Does not store personal data. 8 months User consent required.


Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
fr,datr Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Does not store personal data. 3 months User consent required.
Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
personalization_id Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Does not store personal data. 3 months User consent required.

Twitter feed

The Tweets displayed in the Twitter feed include the ability to Reply, Share, or Like the Tweet directly on If you choose to interact with these functions then you will make a connection to, who may store and retrieve cookies on your browser. Please see Twitter’s data privacy policy:

More information regarding Twitters use of cookies can be found here


Cookie name Purpose and description of the cookie Personal data Validity User consent
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. Persistant
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. Session
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 2 Years
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 2 Years
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 7 Days
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 1 Year
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 2 Years
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. Session
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. Never
User consent required.
This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.
Does not store personal data. 14 Days
User consent required.


2 Cookie management

The user may at any time accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. You may disable the cookies or receive a notice before the cookie is saved via your web browser settings. You may also completely prevent the installation of cookies for all visited websites in your web browser. You may delete cookies that are already stored on your computer.


2.1 Instructions for controlling cookies in web browsers

Links below, provide the instructions for controlling cookies through the web browser settings:

  • Internet Explorer 11 – for instructions, click HERE
  • Internet Explorer 10 – for instructions, click HERE
  • Internet Explorer 9 – for instructions, click HERE
  • Microsoft Edge – for instructions, click HERE
  • Google Chrome – for instructions, click HERE
  • Mozilla Firefox – for instructions, click HERE
  • Opera (site in English) – for instructions, click HERE
  • Safari (site in English) – for instructions, click HERE

3 Other personal data

The UL does not collect or process any other personal data through this website.



1.1 Kaj so piškotki?

Piškotki so majhne datoteke, ki običajno vsebujejo zaporedje črk in številk, ki se naloži na uporabnikov računalnik ali mobilno napravo (v nadaljevanju naprava), ko ta obišče določeno spletno stran. Ob vsakem ponovnem obisku bo spletna stran pridobila podatek o naloženih piškotkih in uporabnika prepoznala.

Piškotki so pomembni za delovanje spletnih strani, zato, da je uporabnikova izkušnja boljša. Z njihovo pomočjo je mogoče analizirati promet na spletni strani, prav tako pa omogočajo napredne oglaševalske tehnike. Hkrati je z uporabo piškotkov mogoče slediti določenemu uporabniku preko različnih spletnih strani in ustvariti njegov profil, iz katerega so lahko razvidne zasebne podrobnosti njegovega življenja.

UL piškotke na uporabnikovi napravi shranjuje v primeru, ko so nujno potrebni za delovanje te strani. Za vse druge vrste piškotkov potrebujemo vaše dovoljenje. Ta stran uporablja različne vrste piškotkov.


1.2 Katere piškotke uporabljamo?

Naša spletna stran gostuje na strežniški infrastrukturi pogodbenega obdelovalca s sedežem v Sloveniji.


Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
ServerID Uporablja se za identifikacijo strežnika, ki je aktiven na vašo zahtevo. Namen je izboljšanje delovanja spletne strani. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov uporabnika. Do konca seje Ni potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
Sejni piškotki Služijo za shranjevanje začasnih informacij o uporabniku:

Shranjuje osebne podatke Do konca seje Ni potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
readCookie Piškotek s katerim si stran zapomni vašo odločitev vezano na uporabo piškotkov Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov uporabnika. 20 let Naloži se ob potrditvi soglasja uporabnika


Google Analytics: (Googlov Pravilnik o zasebnosti) –,,
Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
__utma Ta piškotek sledi številu obiskov uporabnikov na spletnem mestu, ob prvem obisku in ob njihovem zadnjem obisku. Piškotek je potreben za razlikovanje med uporabniki in sejami. 2 leti Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__utmb Ta piškotek pomaga izračunati, koliko časa traja obisk z zbiranjem časovnega žiga natančnega trenutka, ko obiskovalec obišče to spletno mesto.

Zabeleži nov obisk uporabnika ali sejo.

30 minut Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__utmc Beleži čas trajanja obiska strani. Do konca seje Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__utmz Shrani vir prometa ali oglaševalsko akcijo, ki hrani informacijo, kako je uporabnik dosegel stran. 6 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__utmv Analitični piškotek za shranjevanje spremenljivk po meri. 2 leti Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__ga Sledijo vam anonimno in ne prepoznajo vaših osebnih podatkov, zgolj aktivnosti na naši spletni strani. Dostop do podatkov zbranih prek teh piškotkov ni na voljo tretjim osebam. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 2 leti Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
__gid Piškotek se uporablja za ločevanje uporabnikov pod naključno generiranimi enoličnimi identifikatorji. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 1 dan Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
Sledijo vam anonimno in ne prepoznajo vaših osebnih podatkov, zgolj aktivnosti na naši spletni strani. Dostop do podatkov zbranih prek teh piškotkov ni na voljo tretjim osebam. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 10 minut Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
IDE Uporablja ga Google DoubleClick za registracijo in poročanje o dejanjih uporabnika na spletnem mestu po ogledu ali kliku enega od oglasov oglaševalca z namenom merjenja učinkovitosti oglasa in prikazovanju ciljanih oglasov uporabniku 390 dni Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
1P_JAR Uporablja se za zbiranje statistik spletnih strani in sledenje stopnjam konverzije. 1 mesec Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
ANID Piškotki za oglaševanje shranjeni na
CONSENT Piškotek v katerem se hrani Vaše strinjanje z uporabo Googlovih storitev. 20 let Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
NID Identifikator za Google nastavitve 6 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.


Youtube Služijo za beleženje statistike ogledov, za sledenje preferenc uporabnikov in za razvrščanje povezanih reklam znotraj posnetka na omrežju YouTube.
Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
GPS Registrira edinstven ID na mobilnih napravah, da omogoči sledenje na podlagi geografskega položaja GPS  1 dan Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
PREF Piškotek beleži število ogledov posameznega videa ter glede na preference uporabnika prikazuje najbolj relevantne vsebine in oglase znotraj videa. 8 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Piškotek hrani podatek, kakšna je hitrost prenosa podatkov in na podlagi tega določi uporabniški vmesnik predvajalnika. 8 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
YSC Piškotek beleži število ogledov posameznega videa ter glede na preference uporabnika prikazuje najbolj relevantne vsebine in oglase znotraj videa. Do konca seje Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.


Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
vuid in
Služijo za anonimno zbiranje podatkov in poročanje o ogledu posnetkov na omrežju Vimeo. 2 leti, 30 minut, do konca seje, 6 mesecev, 2 leti, 2 leti in 10 minut. Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.


Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
Google Map:
Služijo za merjenje števila in za sledenje obnašanja uporabnikov Google Maps. 2 leti Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
Google Map:
Piškotek vsebuje edinstven ID, ki ga Google uporablja za shranjevanje uporabniških nastavitev in drugih podatkov, kot so izbrani jezik (npr. slovenščina), podatek o tem, koliko rezultatov iskanja naj bo prikazanih na strani (npr. 10 ali 20), in podatek o tem, ali naj bo vklopljen Googlov filter »Varno iskanje«. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 6 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.
Google Map:
Shranjuje uporabniške nastavitve in informacije o uporabi te storitve. Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 8 mesecev Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.


Ime piškotka Namen in opis piškotka Osebni podatki Veljavnost Soglasje uporabnika
fr,datr Piškotek si zapomni Facebook Id ter Id brskalnika za potrebe oglaševanja Ne shranjuje osebnih podatkov. 3 mesece Potrebno soglasje uporabnika.


2 Upravljanje piškotkov

Uporabnik ima vselej možnost, da piškotke sprejme ali zavrne. Večina spletnih brskalnikov samodejno sprejme piškotke. Delovanje spletnega brskalnika lahko spremenite v nastavitvah, tako da naprava piškotke zavrne ali prejmete opozorilo, preden se piškotek shrani. Namestitev piškotkov lahko v brskalniku tudi popolnoma preprečite za vse obiskane spletne strani. Piškotke, ki so že shranjeni na vašem računalniku, lahko tudi izbrišete.


2.1 Navodila za nadzor piškotkov v spletnih brskalnikih

Na spodnjih povezavah si lahko preberete navodila za nadzor nad piškotki prek nastavitev brskalnika:

  • Internet Explorer 11 – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Internet Explorer 10 – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Internet Explorer 9 – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Microsoft Edge – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Google Chrome – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Mozzila Firefox – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Opera (stran v angleškem jeziku) – za navodila klikni TUKAJ
  • Safari (stran v angleškem jeziku) – za navodila klikni TUKAJ

3 Ostali osebni podatki

Drugih osebnih podatkov UL preko te spletne strani ne zbira in ne obdeluje.


3.1 Osebni podatki, ki jih lahko zbiramo samodejno

Ob vašem obisku spletnih strani ali aplikacij lahko avtomatsko zbiramo določene podatke z namenom, da zagotavljamo ustrezno tehnično delovanje in izboljšano uporabniško izkušnjo. Ti podatki lahko vključujejo vaš IP-naslov, datum in čas dostopa do storitev, strojno in programsko opremo ali brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate, in podatke o operacijskem sistemu vašega računalnika, različici aplikacije in jezikovne nastavitve. Lahko se zbirajo tudi podatki o klikih in prikazanih straneh. Pri dostopanju do spletnih strani uporabljamo piškotke.

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